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Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

Are you privately insured?

Addition and/or cheap option for private health insurance - European health insurance

Are you not insured and travel a lot? The EUKV is a cheap alternative. Take a look at the EUKV's price/performance ratio. Since approval in Germany, our neighboring countries have been offering a real alternative on the market of health insurance. Allowed by the Federal Supervision for Finance (BaFin), it is also a legally secure alternative.

German private health insurance

The German favorite has been private health insurance for years. The advantages can be summarized quickly: lower waiting times and better medical care when visiting the doctor. The PKV offers a fair price at good conditions. The admission is made more difficult by the state of health, creditworthiness, pre -insurance or age.

In comparison, European health insurance offers the same service at a cheaper price. On average, non -insured persons can save up to 250 euros a month compared to a PKV comparison tariff. So what else speaks against "European health insurance"? Call or write us a message.

Via CP Finanzconcepte GmbH:

With us you will find comparison calculators of all insurance sectors as well as the possibility of immediate online graduation. We have been a specialist in private health insurance for years. Since the expansion of European health insurance, we have offered our knowledge and experience to optimize your health insurance.

Get to know us better.


+ Important note

For legal reasons, it is currently not possible to switch to European health insurance for customers of private or statutory health insurance. According to German law, the EU-KV has no longer been recognized as legitimate health insurance insurance since 2016, but this is necessary to terminate the existing contract. According to §193 VVG, the EUKV meet the EEA insurers, including Morgan Price and ALC only partially the compulsory insurance in Germany. Risk reserves in old age and the prescribed contributions to long -term care insurance are not included, here separate contracts must be concluded and reserves must be formed. Due to this currently applicable regulation, it is not recognized as subsequent insurance.


Therefore, we can currently only convey uninsured customers to the EU KV who are a very good alternative to statutory or private health insurance due to non-raised criminal contributions, as well as negative Schufa information. In the event of illness, European health insurance ensures it against financial risks. For decades, the EEA service providers have been offering millions of customers worldwide at a similar level as German PKV’s.

As customers of a private health insurance or GKV, do you still want to optimize your tariff and find the tariff that suits your situation? Are you thinking about returning to the GKV or would you like to switch to PKV? We are happy to provide you with all questions, advise you and show you the possible potential of a comparison or a change. As soon as German legislation changes its view to the EuKV, we as an insured person will be happy to inform you again about the possibility of switching to the EUKV and support you in doing so.

All information about the EUKV and the existing legal situation can also be found in the PDF document “2. Explanations Protocol EEA ”in our download center.

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