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Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

You are insured in the basic tariff

Legal product

The basic tariff is a legal product that is comparable to the services of the statutory health insurance companies. There is no higher-quality insurance cover that provides for the PKV's services in the basic tariff and differ significantly from those of the PKV tariffs.

The basic tariff is based on the services of the statutory health insurance companies and must follow the requirements of these health insurers. While the private health insured (PKV) permanently receive a contractually guaranteed protective package, the services are reduced in accordance with the legally insured persons in the baistarif.

The amount of the contribution depends on the age of entry and on the scope of services. Previous illnesses are not requested here and risk surcharges are not collected. The maximum contribution amount is legally defined and corresponds to the GKV plus the average additional contribution rate of the health insurance companies (2020 approx. 909.38 euros/month including requirement insurance). This is the maximum amount that an insured person must pay in the basic tariff. However, this amount also remains if his income as a pensioner sinks.

For each insured person, a separate contribution is made in the basic tariff. A couple pays two contributions, children and adolescents pay up to a maximum limit of currently 236 euros. In the GKV, spouses are insured without income and children are insured free of charge.

For more information on the basic tariff, please check the information from the Internet.


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