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Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

Unsere Premium Tarife

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Questions & Answers

The advantages for people without insurance

"European health insurance" is a real alternative for some of the insured in Germany. The difficulty of choosing the right insurance is inevitable.

We will be happy to clarify which the right health insurance is in a free non -binding consultation.

But now to the advantages and disadvantages:
In general, it is the chance for non -insured persons to get reasonable health insurance.

• What are the differences between PKV and EUKV
  • Europe instead of Germany. This is only interesting for any returns. Otherwise, the entire European geographical area is considered an insured region. It doesn't matter whether you can be treated in Spain or Germany. It is only crucial whether this treatment is covered or not.

    A requirement insurance must be taken separately. European health insurers cannot of course offer German long -term care insurance. Therefore, this must be applied for separately from German private health insurance.

    German private insurers have to form retirement provisions in order to ensure that the insurance contributions remain the same in old age. This obligation is not subject to service providers. Therefore, as an insured reserves, you should form. Using contribution tables on the Internet, some EU insurance companies represent transparently how high the contribution in the corresponding age is.

    The contribution design of European health insurance is very simple: there is a contribution to all insured persons of a specific gender and age.

    Language barriers can occur if European health insurance does not offer communication in German. However, the most important information before taking EU health insurance is always available in German, at least if you work with a German intermediary for European health insurance.

    Refeating treatment costs works for private and European health insurance based on the same principle. However, insured persons report on the Internet that the processing is much more pleasant and smooth than with their previous private health insurance.

    Versicherte berichten jedoch im Internet, dass die Abwicklung deutlich angenehmer und reibungsloser ist als bei ihrer bisherigen privaten Krankenversicherung.
• What is European health insurance?

"European health insurance" has been part of the alternative in the insurance area of health insurance for some time.

In comparison to "statutory health insurance" and "private health insurance", a unit contribution for all genders and age groups will be charged.

• What to do if the doctor does not accept the EUKV?

As with private health insurance, European health insurance can cause problems with resident doctors or when using abroad.

If the doctor actually indicates the cash payment, please let yourself be issued a detailed invoice. They submit these to the responsible health insurance institution after their return. Your insurance provider will reimburse you the amounts according to the corresponding tariff regulations.

• How does the reimbursement of treatment costs work?

As a rule, it is sufficient to send the invoice by email to

In the case of new illness diagnoses, the performance accounting form must be included. On this, the doctor confirms when the disease appeared for the first time.

» PDF claim for reimbursement

• I am currently without health insurance. Do I have to expect punitive amounts when entering European health insurance?

With the EUKV, the criminal contributions collected are eliminated, which would be due when entering statutory health insurance.

• How does EuKV behave in previous illnesses?

European health insurance dispenses with risk premiums due to previous illnesses.

All demonstrable diseases and known health problems of the past 5 years are not taken into account within the first two insurance years. If there are no renewed complaints during this time, they are covered as a new disease after 2 years of uninterrupted insurance coverage and enjoy full insurance coverage. This moratorium regulation applies to customers up to 55 years. Health issues are evaluated from 55.

• Can I submit an application even though my health insurance terminated me due to pre -contractual reporting duty, VVA for short?

Yes, that doesn't matter for European health insurance. But here too it is very important that all health issues are answered very correctly when applying.

• Is the contribution payment possible by direct debit?

Yes, payment has also been possible via SEPA direct debit since 01.2016. Likewise, moving in by credit card or transfer.
The estate for annual payments is 8%, 6% and quarterly 5% in half a year and quarterly

• How do I apply for Morgan Price's EUKV?

The application is very simple.

Fill complete for the application No.1 and 2 in the download center including telephone number and email address and by fax to the
Send 0211-21097513 or email to

If the credit card is specified, you will receive an insurance confirmation within 48 hours!
When paying by bank transfer/SEPA mandate, the confirmation is obtained immediately after receipt of the first article. The insurance documents are then delivered by email.

• Which cover area do I need?

The coverage area refers to the residence. If this will be and stay in Europe, you will check on the second page "Area 1".
No matter where you live in Europe, you then have normal coverage up to 30 days a year according to your chosen tariff and worldwide emergency cover.

• When can protection begin?

The desired start can only be chosen in the future. Insurance coverage is active after receipt of the contribution.

• Is there additional long-term travel health insurance for vacation trips?

Yes. Permanent travel insurance usually costs just 10 euros per year and have no deductible.
Therefore, this is a good addition if you choose an EuKV tariff with high deductible. Dertest winner in this segment can be locked online here at

• Can I change the tariff, the coverage area and the deductible?

Yes, after the end of each insurance year, both the tariff and the deductible can be changed.

• What happens if I can't pay the contributions?

If the contributions do not enter into after a request for payment, the service rests from this stop.
After repeated, unsuccessful request, insurance cover will be terminated retrospectively from a payment stop, but can be renewed by another application.

• Can I also complete the ALC, AXA subsidiaries?

Unfortunately, this protection is not permitted for Germans with residence in Germany! Therefore, this is only an option for very few policyholders. The contributions are also much higher.

• Is the EUKV also recognized in Germany?

We have had good experiences so far, but it depends on office.

• Helpful tips for customers of the EUKV from Morgan Price

In principle, always submit all bills that apply to health insurance technology. Also these that you have to pay yourself due to the deductible. Otherwise the deductible cannot be counted! From the first day of treatment, you have 6 months to submit the bills.

Performance accounting form
Fill a new performance account form for each new diagnosis. All invoices related to one and the same diagnosis are processed with only one performance accounting form. You can fill out the first 4 pages of the performance accounting form yourself; Only page 5 and 6 must be filled out and signed by your doctor.

Submit of bills
Write your insurance number on all invoices and send them to the following email address using the performance accounting form by email (see page 4, AVBS):

We recommend that you archive the access confirmation, which Morgan Price then receive as proof and keep the originals well if this should still be requested.

You can also send the documents to the following address by registered letter with a return certificate:

Medigo GmbH
Rosenthalerstr. 13
10119 Berlin
Note: This address and email address only applies to German customers! Foreign customers who live in Europe but not in Germany must send their benefits to


Cost estimate
For planned interventions (all predictable surgery and the like), approval must be obtained from Morgan Price in advance. The performance account form and a cost estimate must be submitted for this.

Standing Order
Insurance coverage is suspended if the due contribution does not enter into or on the due date. In order not to cause insurance gaps, you always have to pay in time. Therefore, we strongly advise you to set up a permanent order!

After an insurance year has expired, you have the option of the
To change payment methods from "transfer" to "direct debit" or "credit card". Prepaid credit cards are now available from various credit institutions without a fee. In the case of payments by credit card, the fee of € 15 per transfer!

Contract changes
Payment method and gymnastics, deductible and tariffs cannot generally be changed during the insurance year. The conditions are binding for 12 months. Changes are only possible when the contract was renewed after a year.

Credit points
You can find extensive described in the AVBS which credit points are covered.

Customer helpline
The phone number for all questions is 0044-137 964 6730

CP Finanzconcepte GmbH - your contact person

CP Finanzconcepte GmbH has been in the health insurance industry since 2008. As experts, we take care of our customers' needs every day.

As an insurance broker, we are subject to strict laws and requirements. Our free and non -binding service offers you the best way to get an independent insurance comparison. Use the advantages and simply call.

No time or just too far away?

No problem. The technology makes it possible. Thanks to additional free software, we offer you the opportunity to take part in the consultation from home. No tidying up, no uncovering and ending the conversation at any time.

Use our online advice and secure a tariff adjustment.


Important note: Click here for reading

For legal reasons, it is currently not possible to switch to European health insurance for customers of private or statutory health insurance. According to German law, the EU-KV has no longer been recognized as legitimate health insurance insurance since 2016, but this is necessary to terminate the existing contract. According to §193 VVG, the EUKV meet the EEA insurers, including Morgan Price and ALC only partially the compulsory insurance in Germany. Risk reserves in old age and the prescribed contributions to long -term care insurance are not included, here separate contracts must be concluded and reserves must be formed. Due to this currently applicable regulation, it is not recognized as subsequent insurance.

Therefore, we can currently only convey uninsured customers to the EU KV who, due to non-collected criminal contributions, as well as negative Schufa information is a very good alternative to statutory or private health insurance. In the event of illness, European health insurance ensures it against financial risks. For decades, the EEA service providers have been offering millions of customers worldwide at a similar level as German PKV’s.

As customers of a private health insurance or GKV, do you still want to optimize your tariff and find the tariff that suits your situation? Are you thinking about returning to the GKV or would you like to switch to PKV? We are happy to provide you with all questions, advise you and show you the possible potential of a comparison or a change. As soon as German legislation changes its view to the EuKV, we as an insured person will be happy to inform you again about the possibility of switching to the EUKV and support you in doing so.

All information about the EUKV and the existing legal situation can also be found in the PDF document “2. Explanations Protocol EEA ”in our download center.

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